Make a Payment
In-Person Payments
We accept payments via cash, check, or money order. We do not accept credit or debit card payments at Town Hall at this time.
Bank Draft
You can have the payment for your water/sewer bill drafted directly from your bank account each billing cycle. If you elect to take advantage of this service, and complete an Enrollment Form, the Town of River Bend will automatically draft your account on the due date shown on your water bill.
You will continue to receive a billing statement in the mail, it will simply note that your account is on auto-draft.
Credit Card/E-check Payments (ACI Payments, Inc., or WIPP)
When using this payment method, you will be charged a separate convenience fee. These fees will show up as a separate charge on your credit card or bank statement.
You may pay your bill through ACI Payments, Inc., which charges a flat fee for processing your payment. You will need your utility account information which can be found on your billing statement.
Another option to pay your bill is through WIPP. This payment feature also assesses a convenience fee- 2.95% for credit cards and $1.50 for e-check payments. You will need your utility account information and your utility account PIN. You can find that information on your billing statement.
Telephone Payments (ACI Payments, Inc.)